Standard prices include all travel fees and aftercare products

Available Services & Price List

** A $25 deposit is required to schedule all procedures. ** This deposit is goes against the cost of your treatment, and is fully-refundable if your appointment is cancelled at least 24hrs from your appointment.


Full Face - $1200

Forehead - $400

Brow Lift - $350

Upper Eyelids - $400

Lower Eyelids - $300

Full Eye Lift - $650

Crows Feet - $300

Brow Furrow - $150

Mini upper face lift

(Upper/Lower Eye + Crows feet + Brow Furrow) - $800

Nose $375

Smile Lines $300

Cheeks $500 

Upper Lip $250

Lower Lip $250

360 Lips $450

Jowls $500



Sun Spots (Starts at) - $75

Neck - $600

Neck + Jowls $950

Hands - $600

Stretch Marks (starts at) $25/inch 

Bat wings/under arms $900

Full tummy (starts at) $1200

Navel $350